TEDxFuxingPark 2023:LIMITLESS / TEDx复兴公园年度大会:大来无界
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If you inquire about group ticket purchases, as well as various collaborations and sponsorships, please leave a message in the backstage or send an email to jingjing@tedxfuxingpark.org. We will contact you within 24 hours.
Why Fuxing Park?
Fuxing Park is located in the former French Concession of Shanghai, Huangpu District. It carries the history of the city. The park was onginally built during the Ming Dynasty as a private garden. Then being part of the French concession, the garden was converted to a park and reopened n 1909. After the French. the Japanese renamed the park "Daxing Park". Finally ln the mid-20th century, the Chinese regained control of the park land and dubbed it Fuxing Park". Little by little some Chinese elements of design were added. As a MIX of cultures and history, Fuxing Park perfectly fit out TEDx theme of "Fusion . The park fills with dancers, card players mahjong enthusiasts, tai chisolo and group artists, singers of traditional or modern music ... as a fusion of all kinds of people living in Shanghai: young elderly, foreigners or locals.
TEDx复兴公园自2014年初取得美国TED总部授权,以非盈利组织之方式独立运营。通过开展TEDx Salon, Conference, Live 等活动传播拓展思想的力量。 TED-Ideas Worth Spreading